With Akulap you can perform a wide range of acoustic measurements covering room acoustics, building acoustics, psycho acoustics and many more
a typical measurement system consists of:
- Windows Notebook/Tablet PC
- Analysis software Akulap
- USB measurement microphone
- optional sound level calibrator
By using small notebooks , you can easily build a mobile measurement system. The large color display gives you a quick overview of all relevant parameters.
Akulap is a professional Windows application for powerful real-time signal and system analysis.
By using the PC environment, it is not only a cost efficient replacement for classical laboratory equipment. AkuLap offers more powerful features combined with a comfortable user interface. Typical applications are acoustic measurements, room and building acoustics and noise monitoring.
If you run Akulap on a notebook or even a tablet PC, you can easily build a mobile measurement system.
- With the large display it is very user-friendly compared to classic hand held sound level meters
- Measurement of noise according to international standards
- Measure all parameters simultaneously e.g. LCeq, Lceq, LAFmax, Lcpeak,LAFTeq,L95% etc
- Real-time 1/3 octave analyzer
- FFT analysis
- Level vs. Time plots
- Signal statistics
- Audio recorder (.wav/ .mp3) synchronous to the signal analysis
- Supports Marker for post-processing
- Easy export of measurement results via graphic or table (CSV)
- You can use different signal acquisition hardware. e.g. USB class 1 / 2 microphones
Akulap runs on different PC, notebook, tablet with Microsoft windows installed XP/vista/7/8/10/11 32/64bit
- Loudness in Sone DIN 45631/A1 ISO 532-1
- Specific Loudness
- Loudness time-invariant ISO 532B (classical Zwicker Model)
- Sharpness DIN 45692
- Tonal components DIN 45681
- Tonal analysis for wind turbines IEC61400-1
- Roughness (Daniel & Weber)
- Impulsiveness
- Modulation analysis AM/FM
- GMW18141 and GMW14155: Laboratory Evaluation of Mechanical Sounds Produced by Electrical Switches. This procedure describes a laboratory method for evaluating component sound quality metrics for automotive customer actuated switches. It is applicable for any physical switches used by vehicle occupants to actuate specific functions, such as toggle switches, push buttons, rockers, etc.
- ECMA 418-1 Annex B ITT equipment Part 1 (prominent discrete tones)