Akulap Building Acoustics Reporter
Akulap Building Acoustics Reporter measures and generates reports for air bourne sound insulation and impact sound.
- air bourne sound insulation
- impact sound
- According to ISO140, ISO16283-1/2, ISO717-1/2
- Controls measurement instrument (various sound level meters)
- Organize all measurement data
- Various chart and table view
- Perfectly formatted and customizable PDF report
- Export data to Excel via Clipboard
- Languages: English, Deutsch, Español
- R', D ,Dn, DnT
- L'n, L'nT
- CXX spectrum adaptation terms
- in 1/3 octave bands and as a single value
- 50-5000Hz
- Background noise correction
- Reports the air bourne part for impact measurements (ISO 16283-2)
Data import:
- Via clipboard (this technique works for almost any measurement device)
- Controls measurement instrument directly via USB (start/stop, live view, import).
- Supported measurement Systems: Akulap, Svantek SV979, NTI XL2, Bedrock SM30/50/90
- Measurement device (SPL in 1/3 octave bands, and reverberation time RT60)
- Windows PC: win 7, 8, 10, 11 32/64 Bit USB port
Supported Measurement devices:
Akulap Building Acoustics Reporter can control a measurement device via USB. You can start or stop a measurement, configure device settings, get a live view of the data and import them directly.
Currently we support
- Akulap via USB Measurement microphone IEC61672 class 1+2
- Svantek SV979 IEC61672 class 1 with type approval
- NTI XL2 (requires remote control module from NTI) IEC61672 class 1+2 with optional type approval
- Bedrock SM30/50/90 IEC61672 class 1+2
Details we would like to emphasize
Akulap Building Acoustics Reporter generates a perfectly formatted and customizable PDF reports. The PDF files are generated internally. There is no need to install any virtual PDF printer driver.